Diagnostic Criteria

Neuropathological Guidelines

Pick’s disease can only be diagnosed post mortem with brain autopsy.

Given the inability to diagnose Pick’s disease during life, we rely heavily on post mortem brain autopsies and experienced neuropathologists to identify the hallmarks of Pick’s disease neuropathology. In fact, a series of criteria need to be met for a certain Pick’s disease diagnosis, including atrophy of the frontal and temporal lobes and presence of 3R tau positive, 4R tau negative argyrophilic, spherical, neuronal inclusions in the frontal cortex and hippocampus. However, given the history of the term “Pick’s disease” and the many meanings it has acquired through the years, the PIC is working to create a new set of comprehensive neuropathological criteria that can assist in the efficient and accurate Pick’s disease diagnosis.

Imaging Studies

At the same time, we are working with all PIC collaborators to identify Pick’s disease cases that have brain imaging available in hopes of better understanding the effects of the disease on the living brain. In addition, through imaging studies we will be able to identify potential “imaging hallmarks” of the disease that could be used in the future along with other assays to assist in an ante mortem disease diagnosis and evaluation of the efficacy of treatment regimens.